
Corona in my everyday life

Translations: de

Corona has Germany firmly in its grip. Stores were largely closed for weeks, many people are on short-time work or in home offices. Parents have to organize childcare. So the everyday life of many people has changed fundamentally. My everyday life has hardly changed at all, but my free time has.

I admit, my hobbies are very convenient for quarantine times. I sit a lot at my PC or watch series, even when there isn't a disease sweeping through the streets. But also otherwise there are few changes for me.

I get up in the morning as usual, go to work, after work I go shopping or straight home. Cooking and whatever else you feel like doing after work. As I said: series, gaming and (if my girlfriend persuades me) sometimes go for a walk. Sure, a few rules were added at work, but they also have little influence on my workday. Employee scheduling has become a bit more complicated.

So I don't notice much of Corona in my everyday life. In the supermarket the distance lines, at work distance rules and of course in the beginning the lack of toilet paper.

Away from everyday life, I notice Corona all the more. Family visits over Easter and on weekends were cancelled - worse for my girlfriend than for me. But simply going to the mall or walking through the city is not an option at the moment.

And my annual ticket for Europa-Park... The park has not opened since the winter season, because this is prohibited by the authorities. As a fair gesture, the park extends the validity of the annual pass by the time the park is closed. But still, I can't go there. That annoys me. That's what bugs me the most.

Lego Ideas 21321 International Space Station

But for that the shutdown has also good sides. I bought Lego again - my first Lego sets since 20 years. The Lego 21318 Treehouse is ordered, the Lego 21321 International Space Station is delivered and just needs to be built. I also treated myself to a subscription to Gain Magazine - you have to support a good gaming magazine!

How is your Corona everyday life? How do you keep yourselves busy?

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